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How Do I Collect Child Support from an Out of State Non-Custodial Parent?

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Collecting child support from an out-of-state non-custodial parent can be a bit more complicated, but there are processes in place to assist with this. Here are some general steps you can take in Missouri:

  • Open a case with the Missouri Family Support Division (FSD). This state agency is responsible for establishing and enforcing child support orders. You can apply for services online or at your local FSD office.
  • Provide information about the non-custodial parent’s location and employment details if known. The FSD will use this to locate them across state lines.
  • The FSD will work with the child support agency in the other state through the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA). This allows child support orders to be enforced across state borders.
  • If there is no existing child support order, the FSD can petition to establish one through the courts in the other state where the non-custodial parent resides.
  • Once an order is established or registered in the other state, that state’s child support agency can take enforcement actions like income withholding, tax refund intercepts, license suspensions, etc.
  • Child support payments will generally be processed through the state disbursement units and forwarded to the custodial parent in Missouri.

It’s advisable to stay in close contact with the FSD case worker assigned to your case. They can guide you through the interstate process and any additional steps needed based on your specific situation. Having proper documentation like child’s birth certificate is also helpful.

At Raza Family Law Solutions, we practice family law effectively guiding clients through prenuptial and post nuptial agreements, dissolution of marriage, modifications of prior judgments, and resolving child custody disputes. We also help families take a different approach to divorce with mediation and collaborative work.  Contact us for a consultation at (314) 408-5957.

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