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My Spouse Left the State with My Child, What Do I Do?

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If your spouse has left the state of Missouri with your child without your consent, this is a serious situation that requires prompt action. Here are some steps you should consider taking:

  1. Contact law enforcement:
    • File a report with your local police department.
    • Provide all relevant information about your spouse and child.
  2. Consult an attorney:
    • Seek legal advice from a family law attorney experienced in child custody cases.
    • They can help you understand your rights and guide you through legal processes.
  3. File for emergency custody:
    • This can help establish legal grounds for returning your child to the state.
  4. Determine if there’s a custody order:
    • If you have an existing custody order, your spouse’s actions may violate it.
    • If not, you may need to file for custody immediately.
  5. Consider the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA):
    • This law helps determine which state has jurisdiction in custody cases across state lines.
    • Your attorney can help you navigate this if applicable.
  6. Document everything:
    • Keep records of all communications with your spouse.
    • Document when you last saw your child and any relevant events.
  7. Contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children:
    • They can provide resources and assistance in some cases.
  8. Be cautious about direct confrontation:
    • Avoid actions that could be seen as threatening or illegal.
    • Work through legal channels to resolve the situation.
  9. Consider mediation:
    • If communication with your spouse is possible, mediation might help resolve the issue.

Remember, every situation is unique, and the best course of action can depend on various factors. It’s crucial to act quickly and seek professional legal advice to protect your rights and your child’s well-being.


At Raza Family Law Solutions, we practice family law effectively guiding clients through prenuptial and post nuptial agreements, dissolution of marriage, modifications of prior judgments, and resolving child custody disputes. We also help families take a different approach to divorce with mediation and collaborative work.  Contact us for a consultation at (314) 408-5957.

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