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What Does Supervised Visitation Mean?

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Supervised visitation in Missouri refers to a court-ordered arrangement where a parent can only spend time with their child in the presence of a designated third party. This is typically implemented in situations where there are concerns about the child’s safety or well-being when alone with that parent.

Key points about supervised visitation in Missouri include:

  • Purpose: To ensure the child’s safety while maintaining a relationship with the parent.
  • Supervisor: This can be a professional supervisor, a family member, or another agreed-upon individual.
  • Location: Visits often occur in a neutral, safe environment, such as a visitation center or public place.
  • Duration: The length and frequency of visits are usually specified by the court.
  • Reasons: Common reasons for supervised visitation include history of abuse, substance abuse, mental health issues, or long periods of absence from the child’s life.
  • Temporary measure: It’s often a temporary arrangement with the goal of progressing to unsupervised visitation if the situation improves.
  • Court oversight: The court may require reports on the visits and can modify the arrangement based on the child’s best interests.

At Raza Family Law Solutions, we practice family law effectively guiding clients through prenuptial and post nuptial agreements, dissolution of marriage, modifications of prior judgments, and resolving child custody disputes. We also help families take a different approach to divorce with mediation and collaborative work.  Contact us for a consultation at (314) 408-5957.

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